Open 2-4-2

This week 24 players took part in the 2-4-2 game.  In a rather chilly afternoon,  all players braved the cold and went on to play 20 ends of bowls. Luke Pietersma,  a visitor to the club from Adelaide, was welcomed by the organizing committee.
This week Peter Bateman and Ian Ross took out the honour of finishing first with the best score of 34+13. Second place went to the team of Jim Taylor and Kym Stewart with a score of 33+8.
Other winning teams for the day were, Steve Skeer, Jim Campbell 32+6. Gary Wilson, Malcolm Wright 32+3. Robert Coote, John Scudds 30+5 and Frank Cooper, Rod Gibbs 29+5.
Sunday Social, will be held again on the 28th of July with names to be in to by  12-30pm.  At the end of the game all players will enjoy a Joey’s Pizza afternoon tea.

The winning Pair: Peter Bateman and Ian Ross
Runners-up for the day: Jim Taylor and Kym Stewart

This week the weather was much kinder to the players who took part in the game. 27 bowlers turned out to play and before going out to the green, Kym Stewart reminded all members that Yearly Subs are now due.
In first place for the day with a score of 33+16 were John Scudds and Sam Schofield.  Runners-up was the team of Faye Hill and Jim Campbell.
Other winning teams were, Denis Clifford, Andre Reinders 30+4. Graham Attiwell, Rod Gibbs 29+5. A triple of Robert Coote, Frank Cooper and Neil Whelan 28+5 and Orr Grosvenor and Kym Stewart 28+2.

The winning team: John Scudds and Sam Schofield
Runners-Up for the day: Faye Hill and Jim Campbell

With 26 players taking part in the game this week it was a pleasure to take part in the 2-4-2 game.  Perfect bowling conditions, no wind no rain and much warmer [not that we are complaining about the rain, only the very cool conditions].
The winning team for this week was Ros Varcoe and Kym Stewart, taking home the $26.00 prize pool each with a score of 32+10.  Runners-up winning the $5.00 bar voucher each was the team of Mary Clifford and Lyn Scudds with a score of 32+8.
Other winning teams for the day were, Jim Taylor, Aaron Emonson 32+4. Bill Mullan, Iain Campbell 32+1. Robert Coote, Denis Clifford 31+1, and a triple of Ian Nitschke, Ian Ross, John Buhlmann 29+1.

The winning team, Ros Varcoe and Kym Stewart
Runners-up for the day, Mary Clifford and Lyn Scudds

This week 21 very brave players took part in the 2-4-2 game in very, very cold weather, around 8c. Kym Stewart informed players that the next Sunday bowls afternoon is scheduled for the 30th of June.
The winning team for this week with a score of 32+8 was Peter Dunnicliff for the second week straight and Neil Whelan taking home the prize pool of $21.00 each.  In second place and winning the $5.00 bar voucher each were Bill Mullan and Rod Gibbs with a score of 32+7.
Other winning teams for the day were, Peter Bateman, Steve Skeer 31+8. Frank Cooper, Malcolm Wright 29+8 and Barry Smith, Kym Stewart 28+4.  All players were very pleased to retire into a lovely warm club rooms after the game.  

The winning team, Neil Whelan and Peter Dunnicliff
Runners-up for the day, Rod Gibbs and Bill Mullan

This week, in rather cool weather conditions, a small field of 22 players took part in the game, with one rink of triples.
The winning team this with a score of 33+11 was Sam Schofield and Peter Dunnicliff,.  Runners- up,  with a score of 30+2 points, went to Mary Clifford and Peter Scanlon.
Other winning teams for the day were, Peter Bateman, John Buhlmann 30+2. John Eldridge, Neil Whelan 30+1 and the triple of Rob Chambers, Denis Clifford and Peter Varcoe

The winning team, Sam Schofield and Peter Dunnicliff
Runners-up, Mary Clifford and Peter Varcoe

This week 22 players took part in the social bowls game of 2-4-2.  Due to the number of players, there had to be one rink of triples, where the lead and second players played 3 bowls each and the skipper played 2 bowls, over 20 ends.
The team coming in winners over-all were Mary Clifford and Kym Stewart with a score of 35+14 taking home the $22.00 prize pool each. Runners-up with a score of 34+10 and winning the $5.00 bar voucher were Sam Schofield and Peter Varcoe.

Other winning teams were, Orr Grosvenor, Neil Whelan 32+9. John Eldridge, Frank Cooper, Andre Reinders 31+13 and Ros Varcoe, John Buhlmann 30+3.  

The winning team: Mary Clifford and Kym Stewart
Runners-up for thee day: Sam Schofield and Peter Varcoe

This week 25 players took part in the game which was played on Wednesday rather the Thursday due to a Funeral Wake being held in the club on Thursday.
The winning team for this week went to the triple of Ian Nitschke, Ian Michell and Kym Stewart with a score of 34+14, coming in second was the team of Sam Schofield and Eddie Hann 32+7.
Other winning teams were Jean Smith, Derk Pietersma 30+7. Steve Skeer, Neil Whelan 30+4. Barry Smith, Peter Scanlon 30+2 and Bill Mullan, John Scudds 30+2.

The game next week will revert back to the normal week day of Thursday.

The winning team, Ian Michel, kym Stewart and Ian Nitschkel
Runners-Up, Eddie Han, Sam chofield

This week, in rather cool conditions, once again the Millicent Bowls Club held their 20 end 2-4-2 game, starting at 1-00pm with names in to the club by no later than 12-30pm.  Next week the game has been transferred to Wednesday afternoon due to a function being held Thursday at the club rooms.  Sunday social bowls will also start from the 2nd of June, starting at 1-00pm with names in by 12-30pm.  As of Tuesday 28th May all ladies are invited to social bowls starting at 11-00am with one hour of bowling and then those who wish go, a very enjoyable lunch at a local restaurant.

Before going out to play, Steve Skeer welcomed Fiona and Les Panting all the way from Western Australia. 35 players took part in the game with the over-all winners and  a score of 35+7 were  Ros and Peter Varcoe.  Runners- up were Joy Warren and Iain Campbell with a score of 32+6.
Other winning teams for the day were, Orr Grosvenor, Brian Roper 32+5. Merle Stevens, Kym Stewart 32+4. Chris Earl, Peter Smith 31+7. A triple Dick Coote, Sam Schofield, Eddie Hann 30+8. Jim Campbell, John Buhlmann 30+7 and Les Panting, Fiona Panting 30+1.

The Winning Team, Ros and Peter Varcoe
Runners-Up for the day, Joy Warren and Iain Campbell

12 teams braved the cool conditions

Orr Grovenor and John Buhlmann Winners
(34 +16)
Ian Mitchell and Brian Roper – Runners up (33+13)

This week in rather inclement weather, 22 players took part in the game, starting on time at 1-00pm in light showery rain and continued  until the heavens opened up around 3-30pm, when the game was stopped at 17 ends instead of the normal 20 ends.
The winning team for the day was to Ian Ross and John Scudds with a score of 31+17.  Second place, with a score of 30+10 went to Ian Michelle and Iain Campbell.

Other winning teams were, a triple of Jim Taylor, Steve Skeer and Neil Whelan 30+9. Frank Cooper, Peter Dunnicliff 29+6 and Bill Mullin, Peter Varcoe 28+3.

Players were also reminded of the Handicap Pairs to be played on Saturday May 4th.

The Winning Team: John Scudds and Ian Ross

This week, 30 players took part in the 2-4-2 game and because of the number of players this meant the there were two teams of triples, who played each other, with each player playing 3 bowls each over 20 ends.
Coming in first and taking home the prize pool, with a score of 35+22, was one of the triples, Bill Mullen, Frank Cooper and Iain Campbell.  Runners- up for the day were Orr Grosvenor and Ian Ross with a score of 32+8 and winning the $5.00 bar voucher each.
Other winning teams for the day were, Graham Atiwill, Bryan Roper 31+9.    Chris Earl, Andre Reinders 31+4. Peter Dunnicliff, Adriana Ross 31+3. Sam Schofield, John Scudds 30+12 and Lurlene Reinders, Derrick Lindh 30+8.
A reminder to all members that the Annual General Meeting for the 24/25 season will be held on April the 24th commencing at 4-30pm.  

The winning team, Iain Campbell, Frank Cooper and Bill Mullion

This week once again, 28 players braved the rather cool conditions to take part in the game played over 20 ends.
Over-all winners with a score of 32+11 were to Frank Cooper and Ian Ross, taking home the prize pool of $28.00 each.  Second place went to the team of Graham Loveday and Eddie Hann with a score of 31+5 and winning the $5.00 bar voucher each.
Other winning teams for the day were, Malcolm Wright, Neil Whelan 30+4. Chris Earl, Steve Carnellor 30+3. Rob Chambers, Kym Stewart 30+2. Steve Skeer, Bryan Roper 29+4 and Jean Smith, Peter Dunnicliff 27+1.

The winning team, Frank Cooper and Ian Ross
Runners-Up for the day, Eddie Hann and Graham Loveday

This week, with the season starting to wind down the numbers were down slightly, with 26 players taking part in the game.  Before going out to play, all players were reminded of the General Meeting to be held on the 18th of April to elect Selectors for all Pennant competitions for next season, Open Pennants, Ladies Pennants and Mid-Week Pennants and the Annual General Meeting to be held on the 24th of April.

The winning team for this week was Ian Nitschke and John Scudds with a score of 34+23. Runners-up for the day were Sam Schofield and Peter Hyland with a score of 33+10.
Other winning teams for the day were, Chris Earl, Malcolm Wright 31+9. One of the triples, Rob Chambers, Steve Skeer and Andre Reinders 29+1.  Barry Smith, Peter Varcoe 29+1 and Graham Attiwell, Lyn Scudds 28+2.   

The winning team, Ian Nitschke and John Scudds
Runners-up for the day, Peter Hyland and Sam Schofield

This week once again 28 players took part in the 2-4-2 game but before going out to play, Aaron Emonson, congratulated Division 3 North and Division 3 Red on getting into the Open Pennants Grand Final to be played in Naracoorte on March 23rd.  The Board of Management is arranging a bus to take all players, members and partners to Naracoorte on the day and has requested that if you wish to use the bus please put your names on the list in the clubroom or contact Steve Carnellor.   Members were also informed of the AGM to be held on Thursday, 18th of April.  Nomination forms are up for those wishing to be nominated for management positions in the club.

The winning team for this week with a score of 33+7 was Steve Skeer and one of our Night Bowlers, Philip Keatley.  Runners-up was the team of Joy Warren and Brian Goode with a score of 32+4.
Other winning teams were, Peter Hyland, Jim Campbell 31+9. Malcolm Wright, Bryan Roper 31+6. Chris Earl, Peter Varcoe 31+4. Peter Dunnicliff, Ian Ross 31+3 and Jean Smith, Barry Smith 30+1.

The winning team, Philip Keatley and Steve Skeer
Runners-up for the day, Joy Warren and Brian Goode

This week 28 players took part in the 2-4-2 game at the Millicent Bowls Club. Before going out to play Kym Stewart, Tournament Director, reminded all in attendance about the up-coming Veterans Men’s and Ladies’ Singles to be played on the 20th of March starting at 8-30am and  also the Mixed Pairs to be played on the 20th April this is also to start at 8-30am.
The Annual General Meeting is coming up and nomination forms are available for all positions in the club.  Members are asked to please think of taking on one of the roles required to manage the bowls club.
The winning team for this week with a score of 34+20 shots up was  Barry Smith and Kym Stewart taking home $28.00 each.  Second place and winning the $5.00 bar voucher each ,were  Peter Bateman and Eddie Hann with a score of 33+13.
Other winning teams were, John Silis, Ian Ross 32+12. Steve Skeer, Rod Gibbs, 32+7. Peter Dunnicliff, Neil Whelan 31+7. Rob Chambers, Iain Campbell 31+3 and Brian Goode, Dale Little 29+4.    

The winning team for the Day: Barry Smith and Kym Stewart
Runners-Up for the day: Peter Batemann, Eddie Hann

This week 29 payers took part in the 2-4-2 game, with one team of triples, where the lead and the second play 3 bowls and the skipper plays 2 bowls. Before going out to play all were reminded of the up and coming Veterans’ Championship Singles for ladies and men to be played Wednesday March  20th commencing at 8.30 a.m
The winning team for this week with a score of 32+12 was John Drew and Sam Schofield taking home $29.00 each, in second place and winning the $5.00 bar voucher each were Derk Pietersma and Pat Woolston with a score of 32+4.
Other winning teams were, Peter Bateman, Ian Michell 31+10. The triple of Bryan Roper, Frank Cooper, Barry Smith 31+2. Neil Whelan, Phil Keatley 30+6.  David Taylor, Graham Loveday 29+1 and Peter Scanlon, Rob Chambers 28+1.  

The winning team, Sam Schofield and John Drew

Runners-Up, Pat Woolston, Derk Pietersma

This week numbers were down slightly, with only 23 players taking part in the game, perhaps due to the very warm couple of days that we have had with the temperature on the 21st reaching 39 degrees, which is a little warm for bowls, The Mid-Week Pennants did go ahead on that day but started an hour early. Before going out to play, players were reminded of the Open Pennant finals coming up, with perhaps three divisions making the finals in Open and one in the Ladies. Mid-Week Pennants missed out by one point.   There will be a quick meeting after 2-4-2 next week, 29th February, to vote on Notices of Motion.
The winning team for this week was John Madden and Terry Lonergan, with a score of  34+24.  Runners- up  was the team of, Gary Wilson (Tug) and Steve Carnellor 33+2.
Other winning teams for the day were, Graham Watson, Peter Scanlon 32+6. Rob Chambers, Peter Varcoe 31+4 and Chris Earl, John Silis, Jim Campbell 30+3.   

The winning team for the day: Terry Lonergan and John Madden
Runners up for the day: Steve Carnellor and Garry (Tug) Wilson

In perfect bowling weather, 32 players took to the greens to play 20 ends of 2-4-2. Before going out to play all players were reminded of the BBQ after Open Pennants next Saturday 24th February, also if there is enough interest there will be an AFL footy picking competition this season.
The winning team this week with a score of 35+12 was John Eldridge and David Crase taking home $32.00 each. Second place, with a score of 33+22 was the team of Graham Loveday and Bryan Roper winning the $5.00  bar voucher.
Other winning teams were, Derek Bowering, Peter Varcoe 32+4. Malcolm Wright, Kym Stewart 31+16. Graham Watson, John Drew 30+10. Terry Lonergan, Peter Dunnicliff 30+3. David Botting, David Reichelt 30+1 and Greg DePamphlis, Dale Little 29+2.

The winning pair: John Eldridge and David Crase
Runners up for the day: Graham Loveday and Bryan Roper

This week,  in very windy conditions, 32 players took part in the game.  Before going out to play, Aaron Emonson informed players of the Royal Flying Doctors Day to be held on the 3rd of March.  A barbecue will  be held after the last game of Open Pennants 24th February.  The Men’s Championship Pairs Grand Final to be played off next Thursday morning 15th of February starting at 9-30am.
The winning team for this week was Frank Cooper and Peter Dunnicliff with a score of 33+13, taking home  $32.00 each.  Second place and winning the $5.00 Bar Voucher each went to Peter Bateman and Neil Whelan with a score of 33+12.
Other winning teams were, Sam Schofield, Peter Varcoe 32+8. David Reichelt, Peter Scanlon 31+6. Greg DePamphilis, John Buhlmann 31+5.  Graham Watson, John Scudds 31+3. Dianne McCaffrey, Derrick Lindh 30+3 and Rob Chambers, Eddie Hann 30+1.  

The winning team: Frank Cooper and Peter Dunnicliff
Runners-Up fro the day: Peter Bateman and Neil Whelan

This week a very small field of 20 players took part in the 2-4-2 game.  The numbers were down as several players from the club had travelled to Adelaide for the Annual Country Carnival played every year at his time.
The over-all winners for the day were Jean Smith and Jim Campbell with a score of 32+19.  In second place with a score of 32+16 were Steve Skeer and Steve Carnellor.
Other winners for the day were, Malcolm Wright, John Buhlmann 32+3. Joy Warren, Ian Ross 31+5 and David Reichelt, John Drew 31+3

The Winning Pair for the day: Jean Smith and Jim Campbell
Runners-up for the day: President Steve Carnellor and Steve Skeer

This week’ a small field of 24 players took part in the 2-4-2 game in rather windy conditions.  Before going out to play President Steve Carnellor, reminded players of the Herb Henderson Memorial Men’s Fours to be held on Australia Day.  The day if fully catered.
The winning team for the day with a score of 34+13 was Peter Scanlon and Derk Pietersma and  in second place was the team of Steve Skeer and Peter Bateman with a score of 34+12.
Other winning teams were, Adriana Ross, Peter Dunnicliff 33+10. John Eldridge, Peter Varcoe 33+3. Frank Cooper, Eddie Hann 32+4 and Mary Clifford, John Scudds 30+11.    

This week’s 2-4-2 saw 34 players take part in the game. Before going out to play President Steve Carnellor welcomed 3 visitors to the club, a couple from the Grange-Burns Club from Ballarat Victoria, Wendy and Philip Kosch and Philip Wilson from the Mount Gambier RSL Club.
The winning team for this week and taking home $34.00 was Neil Whelan and a visiting member, Phillip Kosch, with a score of 34+10 shots . Second and receiving the $5.00 Bar Voucher each went to David Reichelt and John Buhlmann with a score of 33+12.
Other winning teams were, a triple, Philip Wilson, Lyn Scudds and Peter Varcoe 33+11. Sam Schofield, Aaron Emonson 33+10. Peter Dunnicliff, John Scudds 32+15. Ian Nitschke, Eddie Hann 32+1. Ros Varcoe, Rob Chambers 31+5. John Drew, Peter Scanlon 20+0 drawing with Wendy Kosch and Iain Campbell 20+0.