
On Sunday 14th July, 30 players took part in the game of 3 bowls triples with 2 games played over 8 ends per game.  At the completion of the games players retired to the club rooms to enjoyed a Sausage Sizzle.
The next game is scheduled for Sunday 28th July and after the game all players will enjoy a Joey’s Pizza instead of the Sausage Sizzle.
The team taking out first place for the day was John Buhlmann, Ros Varcoe and Mary Campbell with a score of 52+2.  Second place went to the team of Carol Gibbs, Barbara Leister and Sarah Ross with a score of 39+1 and in third place with a score of 29+8, were Mary Clifford, Steve Skeer and Neil Whelan with a score of 29+8.

The winning Team, Ros Varcoe, Mary Campbell, John Buhlmann
The runners-up : Barbara Leister, Carol Gibbs, Sarah Ross

This week in rather cool weather, 18 players took part in the Sunday Three Bowls Triple Competition. The next game being played on Sunday July 14th.
This week winning the $10.00 prize pool each were Jim Campbell, Denis Clifford and Barry Smith with a score of 38+4.  Runners-up was the team of Joy Warren, Mary Campbell and Kym Stewart with a score of 30+1 and  in third place with a score of 27+6 was, Ian Nitschke, Mary Clifford and Eddie Hann
After the game all players retired to the clubroom and enjoyed a Sausage Sizzle.   

The winning team, Barry Smith, Denis Clifford and Jim Campbell

The second Sunday bowls was once again well attended with 24 players taking part in the afternoon.  The format of the day was 2 games of 8 ends, with each player playing 3 bowls  straight.  Players then stayed on for the sausage sizzle, well cooked again by our master-chef, Ian Ross.  What a great job he does on the BBQ.
The winning team for this week was, Denis Clifford and John Buhlmann with a score of 34+26 coming in runners-up was the team of Chris Earl and Neil Whelan 33+25, followed by Arnold Damhuis, Peter Varcoe 32+22 and Lurlene Reinders, Steve Skeer 31+7.
The next Sunday Social Bowls,
will be held on June 30th with names in by 12-30pm. 

The winners for the day, Denis Clifford and John Buhlmann

Every Tuesday during Winter, weather permitting, the Millicent Bowls Club runs a very casual, one and a half hour morning  bowls session, starting at 11-00am At the completion of the game players and friends go out for an enjoyable lunch.
This week 7 players took part in the game in rather windy conditions but all players enjoyed the game very much.
One of our full time bowlers, Selena Smith, for the last 3 weeks has been bringing her mother, Elisabeth De Koke along to give her some coaching and introduce her to Lawn Bowls. Elisabeth is taking to the game and really enjoying it.  Well done Selena.

Selena’s mother, Elisabeth De Koke with daughter, Selena Smith

The first Sunday Social Bowls saw 20 players take part in the afternoon.  The format of the game was two games of 3 bowl pairs played over 8 ends. At the completion of the day all players enjoyed a sausage sizzle, cooked by one of our top Chefs, Ian Ross.  All players had a great day and enjoyed the format of the day.
There were only three, 3 game winners.  The team of Jan Buhlmann and Malcolm Wright took home the prize with a score of 32+18.  The other three game winners were, Arnold Damhuis, Eddie Hann with a score of 31+14 and Chris Earl, Kym Stewart 30+10. 
The next game will be on Sunday 16th June, names in by 12-30pm, cost to play is $5.00 per player.  

The winning team Malcolm Wright and Jan Buhlmann

From Tuesday 28th May ladies bowls will commence from 11-00 am organised by Joy Warren. After bowls ladies will then go for lunch at a very nice restaurant

Sunday Bowls will commence from the 2nd of June starting at 1-00 pm, names in by 12-30 pm. Depending on the number that comes along will determine what format the game will take.

Fun Day at the Club

A great fun day on the 5th of May 2024 for presentations and bowls. A 12 end game for the annual match between the men and the women resulted in a win for the men but if laughter was anything to go on it was a friendly contest and smiles aplenty. Presentations followed for all the championship and handicap events then a generous afternoon tea finished a great afternoon. Congratulations to all the successful bowlers and all other bowlers who were gracious in their defeat.

Here are the teams.

Men versus women – winners Gentlemen

Women versus men – runners-up Ladies

Fay Hill and Sarah Ross – Winners Ladies Handicap Pairs
Mary Campbell and Lynn Scudds – Runners-up Ladies Handicap Pairs
Iain Campbell – winner Men’s Handicap Singles
Andre Reinders runner-up Men’s Handicap Singles
Glen Jones and Aaron Emonson winners Men’s Handicap Pairs
Rob Chambers – Runners-up Men’s Handicap Pairs

On Saturday  6th of April, 20 players took part in the Annual Mixed Pairs competition, with games starting at 8-30am.  All games up to the Grand Final were played over 12 ends.
The two pairs reaching the Grand Final were Kym Stewart and Faye Hill and Rod and Carol Gibbs.  Unfortunately the Grand Final was not  able to be played until April18th due to one player being away for this period.
The Grand Final  was played over 15 ends in not very pleasant conditions. At the 6th end the score was all square at 4 all.  Kym and Faye were able to win the next 3 ends taking the score to 9/4 and at the 14th end Kym and Faye were 7 shots up at 14/7. Rod and Carol made a great come- back scoring 5 shots on the last end to only go down by 2 shots.  The final score finished Kym / Faye 14 to Rod/Carol 12. Well done to both sides for reaching the Grand Final. 

The winning team, Faye Hill and Kym Stewart
Runners/Up, Carol and Rod Gibbs
Division 3 North Premiership Runners Up for 2024
Division 3 Red South Premiership Runners Up for 2024

On Wednesday the 20th March, the Millicent Bowls Club ran  their Annual Veterans’ Singles Championship for male and female contestants over the age of 70 years. 

In the Ladies Grand Final, it got down to Lorraine Hyland and Lyn Scudds, playing off  to the first player to reach 21 shots.  This game was won by Lyn Scudds to give her back to back honour of Veterans Singles Champion for 2023/24 Season.

The Men’s Grand Final was played between John Scudds and Rod Gibbs.  This game was very close and by the 17th end there were only 2 shots difference with John on 17 and Rod on 15 but John was able to hold onto  the lead and by the 20th end had reached the target of 21 shot, to also give him the title of back to back Veteran’s Singles Champion for 2023/24 Season

Back to back Veteran Champion Lyn Scudds with Runner-up Lorraine Hyland
Back to Back Veteran Champion John Scudds with Runner-up Rod Gibbs

Well done to our Division 1 girls, taking out this seasons Division 1 premiership. What a great effort

Millicent Division 1 Ladies Premiership winners for 2023/24 season
Front Row: Ella Pietersma, Mary Clifford, Mary Campbell,Mac MacDonald
Back Row: Carol Gibbs, Elaine Goode, Adriana Ross, Ros Varcoe, Sarah Ross

The Annual Millicent Bowls Club Royal Fling Doctors Fund Raising Day was held on the 3rd March starting at 1-00p.m. 70 players turned out for the day, playing one game of bowls over 14 ends.  Each player paid $5.00 to play which went to the raising of $350.00.
The Bowls Club also runs a Wrong-bias tin, where- if a bowler over the 12 months has a wrong bias this costs the player $1.00 or a gold coin donation wether it is for regular bowlers or night bowlers.  This little project over the 12 months raised a total of $717.60.
A raffle was also held raising a total of $470.00, giving a grand total of $1537.60 to be passed on to the Royal Flying Doctors who give a great service to our community.
The winning team for the day was a team from Night Bowls, John Silis, David Sharp, Wilber Lane and Deb Butler, taking home the chocolates.  Second place went to  a mixed team of night bowlers and regular bowlers, Frank Cooper, Ian Kuchel, John Madden and Jamie Cooper, taking home a bottle of wine each.
All players, after the presentation, enjoyed a lovely afternoon team supplied by all who attended.

The winners for the day:
Deb Butler, Wilber Lane, David Sharp, John Silis
Runners Up for the day:
Jamie Cooper, John Madden, Ian Kuchel, Frank Cooper

On Tuesday 27th February the Millicent Bowls club ran a Pairs and Fours day starting at 9-30am.  The format of the day was 1 game of fours to be played first over 10 ends and then 2 games of pairs over 8 ends while one pair had lunch the other pair played and then they swapped around, then all players played a second game of fours over 10 ends.
Teams travelled from Bordertown, Kingston, Port MacDonnell, Naracoorte, Mount Gambier and Beachport to take part.
The first game pairs winners went to a Millicent Team, Adriana Ross and Mary Clifford and the second game winners pairs went to Joy Bilney and Merna Whitehead
The 2 games of fours played over 10 ends, saw the team from Bordertown, Wendy Twigden, Judy Vanderhorst, June Tink and Judy Lack take out first prize over-all with a total of 105.5 points.  Runners- up was a team from Beachport with a total score of 81 points, Debra Butler, Maureen Ruffin, Lynette Smith and Jill Preston.  The points that were gained in the pairs games was also added to the total scores for the day.
After all games the ladies enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea before travelling back to their home towns.

Over all Winners From Bordertown: Judy Lack, June Tink, Judy Vanderhorst, Wendy Twigden
Over-all Second place Getters from Beackport: Debra Butler, Jill Preston, Lynette Smith, Maureen Ruffin
First Pairs winners: Mary Clifford and Adriana Ross
Second Game Pairs Winners: Merna Whitehead, Joy Bilney

The Millicent Men’s Championship Pairs minor rounds were played on the 21st of January, but due to the number of players taking part in the competition, it was not able to be completed in one day and had to be re-scheduled for the 15th of February due to the country carnival being played in Adelaide and also some State events.

The Grand Final played over 18 ends was contested between current Pairs Champions, Wayne Ross and Ben Masters going up against Rod Gibbs and Iain Campbell.  At the 9th end there was only one shot difference in the scores with Ben and Wayne on 7 shots and Rod and Iain on 6 shots, but on the 10th end, Rod and Iain were able to pick up a 6 taking their score to 12 shots and Ben and Wayne 7. Rod and Iain won the next 4 ends giving them a 9 shot lead, but by the 17th end Ben and Wayne were able to peg that lead back to only be 4 shots down.  On the final end Rod and Iain sealed the game to become Men’s Pairs Champions of the Millicent Bowls Club for 2023/24 Season.

Men’s Pairs Champions for 2023/24 season: Iain Campbell and Rod Gibbs

This year 104 players took part in the Men’s Herb Henderson Memorial Bowls Day which was played over 1 game of 15 ends in the morning and 2 games of 12 ends in the afternoon.  Twenty six visiting teams travelled for the day, 6 from Mt Gambier RSL, 3 from Mount Gambier Club, 2 from Naracoorte, 1 from Kalangadoo and 1 from Port MacDonnell.
Before going out on the greens, President Steve Carnellor, welcomed all players to the Millicent Club and invited Millicent Bowls Club Member John Buhlmann, to lead all players in singing the Australian Anthem.  All joined in with great gusto, Steve then handed over to Kym Stewart, Tournament Director, for  conditions of play for the day.
After the first game of 15 ends players went back to the club room and enjoyed a lovely lunch of steak, sausages and salads along with apple pie and ice cream and at the end enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea arranged by the Millicent Bowls Club Ladies  

The over-all winners for the day went to a team from Mount Gambier winning all 3 games and finishing with 90.5 points, Tony Bowditch, Daniel Langdon, Ben Masters and Les James. In second place also winning their 3 games and finishing  with a total of 84.5 points was a Millicent, Mount Gambier mixed side of Wayne Ross, Zac Pearson, Aaron Emonson and Simon Attiwill and in third place with a score of 84.0 was another Mount Gambier RSL side, Ron Plungers, Dean Wilkinson, Ralph Stafford and Ian MacIntosh.       

The Winning Team: Les James, Ben Masters, Daniel Langdon,
Tony Bowditch

Second Place: Simon Attiwill, Aaron Emonson, Zac Pearson,
Wayen Ross

On Sunday the 21st January the Millicent bowls Club held their Annual Championship Pairs for Ladies and Men.  Games leading up to the Grand Final were played over 15 ends with a two and walk format and the Grand Final played to 18 ends.
All players were on the green by 8-30am, with the games taking at least 2.5hrs  hours to play the men didn’t complete the competition as they had a much larger field of players and due to the lateness of the day the Grand Final has been held over with a date to be fixed.
In the ladies, the semi-finals were played between Ros Varcoe and Lyn Scudds and Adriana Ross and Sarah Ross.  The game was very close  and by the 15th end of the scores were all square, meaning another end had to be played.  Ros Varcoe and Lyn Scudds taking the final end and winning their way into the Grand Final.
The second semi-final this game was contested between Mary Campbell and Faye Hill and  Elaine Goode and Joy Warren.  Mary Campbell and Faye Hill winning by 9 shots and going straight to the Grand Final.
In the Grand Final  there was only a one shot margin between the two teams on the 8th end with the Campbell team winning 7 of the first 10 ends.  Lyn and Ros won the final 7 ends finishing the game 24 shots to 14 giving them the title of Millicent Ladies’ Pairs Champions for 2023/24 season.

On Wednesday the 17th of January ,the Millicent Bowls Club held their Annual Ladies’ Singles Championship in very windy conditions with all games leading up to the Grand Final played with the first player in each game reaching 21 shots up thus earning the right to go on to the next round. The Grand Final was played with the first to reach 25 shots and being declared to Ladies’ Singles Champion for 2023/24 Season.
The semi- finals were played between current Singles Champion, Heather Carthew, and Adriana Ross with Heather Carthew winning her way into the Grand Final.  The second semi  was played between Sarah Ross and Lyn Scudds with Sarah Ross winning her way into the Grand Final.
Sarah Ross got away to a demanding lead and by the 10th end the score was sitting at Sarah 15 shots to Heather 4. Heather was then able to win  4 of the next 6 ends with the score sitting at Sarah 22 to Heather 12 shots but on the 18th end Sarah drew 3 shots to give her the title of Ladies’ Singles Champion for 2023/24 Season.

Runner Up Heather Carthew with Singles Champion For 2023/24 Sarah Ross

The Men’s Annual Championship Singles was held at the Millicent Club on January 6th in very warm weather.  23 players took part in the competition, with all games leading up to the Gand Final played to the first player in each game to reach 21 shots and  the Grand Final played to 25 shots. By the afternoon, going into the semi- final, the games had to be stopped due to lightning and heavy rain.
The semi-finals  were contested between Peter Scanlon and David Taylor with Peter Scanlon earning his way into the Grand Final and in  the second game Eddie Hann and  Wayne Ross battled it out with Wayne winning his way into the Grand Final. The Grand Final, due to the inclement weather was played on Sunday 7th.  The game up to the 8th end , with the score neck and neck, was of a very high standard of bowling by both players with Wayne only 1 shot up at 7-6,  by the 22nd end Wayne won the title of Men’s Singles Champion  for 2023-24 Sea